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August 5th, 2015
SuperSurv for Android helps Irrigate Farms in Spain

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August 5, 2015 — Supergeo, the total GIS software solution provider, announces that Almacelles Irrigation Community, Spain utilizes SuperSurv for Android to improve irrigation efficiency and productivity.

SuperSurv is a powerful mobile GIS App designed for field data collection on Android and iOS platforms. Integrating with GIS and GPS technologies, SuperSurv provides functions like Map Display, Query, Measure, and supports OpenStreetMap as the basemap. Also, users may capture point, line and polygon features with attribute information, and save the data as SHP or GEO formats in both offline and online modes.
Using GIS technology, farm managers are able to efficiently distribute water resources and increase field productivity by improving data management. Paperwork is no longer needed for land use changes. Instead, they can update and integrate irrigation system information with their Android devices. With the rectified maps, users can not only manage large datasets but also save more time to focus on their fieldwork.
SuperGIS solutions also offer the possibility to assist agricultural parcel management. The National Irrigation Authority in Philippines used SuperGIS Desktop to digitize paper cadastral maps, so that billing information could be clarified for better management.
SuperSurv free trial to improve fieldwork
SuperGIS Agricultural applications


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