Global geoinformation technologies and first of all Earth remote sensing from space, satellite-based navigation and Internet geoportals have certainly considerably changed and keep on changing our lives. A certain turnaround in the minds of people deserves mentioning: in the new world of open data it is easier to feel comfort and to actually become not only the user, but the creator of more intuitive, more intelligent and open reality!However, not everyone likes such a transparency and availability of data. There are still attempts registered to speculate on common phobias – national and personal security. How deeply Russia and its citizens will be involved in the new information space developments depends on how the society and the authorities will be capable of recognizing the new and making thoughtful decisions. Hopefully, the issue here, dedicated to open data, will allow us to make a step in the right direction”, says Editor-in-Chief of the “Earth from Space…” magazine Vladimir Gershenzon. Read More