Holistic City Software has released CityCAD 2.1, an upgrade to the conceptual urban masterplanning application. This version contains significant internal improvements in performance and stability, as well as some exciting new liveability analysis features.
In CityCAD 2.1, blocks and city items can be shaded according to distance from a specific land use, or type of object such as a bus stop. They can also be shaded according to whether they comply with specified distance thresholds, for example whether a block is within 800m of a rail station. means the designer can instantly identify problem areas and quickly gain a greater understanding of the overall liveability of a masterplan.
Other improvements include an extension to the custom parameters – these can now be applied to Routes and Nodes, as well as Blocks and Subdivisions. Elements in your model can also be shaded according to custom parameters, making it easier to keep track of customized categories or values in your city model.
CityCAD 2.1 comes with a 30-day free trial, and can be downloaded from http://www.holisticcity.co.uk/downloads.