Now it is possible to order RADARSAT-2 SAR images in detailed spotlight mode SPOTLIGHT A at the spatial resolution of 1 meter. The advantage of the RADARSAT-2 image with meter resolution is the big scene size. Its area covers 144 (18×18 km), which exceeds the size of scenes, received from other satellites with similar imaging modes (50-100 This makes RADARSAT-2 products most affordable in terms of unit cost.
In 2011, 5 new imaging modes of RADARSAT-2 have been implemented in the so-called “extended” modes with scene sizes increased 2-3 times at the same nominal spatial resolution. Now the new products, received in wider swath modes, are available to the users after operational tasking and reception to UniScan stations in Russia. Thanks to reception and processing of radar data the price in Russia for RADARSAT-2 products is 20% and for RADARSAT-1 products is 50% less than the official prices claimed by foreign companies-operators, offering service applying traditional schemes of the end product delivery from abroad. Read More