On 20 July 2010 the EU launched a series of calls for proposals for a total of €30.5 million covering eight topics in the area of satellite navigation. A further €6.5 million will be used for several calls for a tender that will be published early 2011. Acting under powers delegated by the European Commission, the GSA will be responsible for managing about 75% of the total available budget. The remaining budget will be managed directly by the European Commission’s directorate of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. This is the last call launched for satellite navigation research by the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme on research and technological development (FP7). The previous two calls for proposals led to the funding of 55 projects with a total EU contribution of €47 million. As was the case for the previous two calls, the emphasis will be on mature and commercially viable research – with an immediate impact on the market. The EU is open to innovative ideas from the market and especially welcomes proposals from small companies and newcomers to Framework programmes. Read More