EUROGEO will host a one-week Comenius training seminar for Geography teachers and lecturers in Dublin May 29-June 5 2012. This follows up successful courses in Geel, Belgium and Athens, Greece. The EC has accredited the course which will allow teachers and teacher educators to apply for Comenius grants to cover the course fees and travel/subsistence costs.
The course is about spatial thinking and the use of GIS in llearning and teaching. Participants will learn about the practical and pedagogical uses of ArcGIS in schools and in teaching geography.
The course will be based on the very successful iGuess Project – Integrating GIS in secondary education in several subjects.
If you would like to participate:
a) apply for the course – application form,
and once your place is reserved
b) Contact your Comenius National Agency and apply for a Comenius grant before January 15, 2012.
Course reference number “BE-2012-196-001“
Find out how to apply for grants: